Walking on the Air (Single)

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00:00 / 03:25
  • Walking on the Air

About the album

Our new song "Walking on the Air" was released on March 21. We would like to tell you what this song is about.

Sometimes we think that if we achieve what we so much dream of, this will make us happy. But this is not always the case in our lives, because we are usually looking for happiness in the wrong place.

We often forget that the most valuable things for us – for the person inside the body – cannot be found on the outside, but on the inside.

And it often happens that what we are dreaming about all the time is actually found much closer than we think, namely, in our hearts.

This song is about he who is closest to us. He who lives in our hearts ❤️ and watches over us – every time, all of the time. He has so much love and warmth for us. He will never betray us, and always accepts us as we are.

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